My art journey

started as a hobby, ended up as a new life.

I started training as a hobbyst potter in Sevilla, Spain. From there I took intensive courses in Tuscany, Italy, gaining a deep appreciation for the complex design decisions that go into creating functional, everyday objects. I continued my education with a variety of courses, both on technical skills and on the creative process. I did a short residency in Faenza, Italy, where I returned for a wonderful year-long experience as both a resident and the teaching assistant at the Faenza Art Ceramic Centre. I now rent a little studio space in Faenza, ready for this new life in the arts.

Before becoming an artist, I trained as an ethologist, or in modern terms, a behavioural ecologist. I was always interested in the area between biology and psychology, where we investigate the evolutionary origins of what makes us human. My work focused on the interaction between individual behaviour, social groups and the environement. I was lucky to work in very stimulating research groups that taught me a lot about how we study evolutionary processes, and about the evolution of social structures and behaviours. During my time in research, I started beng interested in combining the arts and the sciences, and participated in a few collaborations.

While working on my first cohesive ceramic project, I was delighted to realize how much of my scientific experience I was bringing into it, truly bridging all of my interests and experiences in my work.

Scientists and artists share passion, dedication, and the willingness to push past the boundaries of the present.

Maybe it’s because of my own story…

Sciences, arts, humanities, we are all highly specialized and highly competent, exploring new territories in whatever slice of human knowledge we decide to make our own. However, we are all asking different versions of the same broad questions about life.

“Art & science”, to me, is not just a different way of communicating scientific discovery. It should be an exploration of concepts that connect disciplines, a spark for debate and sharing of ideas, a meeting of experiences.